
We believe that all students can find a way to appreciate and understand mathematics. Our courses seek a balance of mathematical skills; mechanics; and adaptation. We strive for our students to not only apply mathematics, but also recognize mathematics for its natural beauty, artistry, and elegance. We teach students to reason logically, grow from collaboration, recognize patterns, and learn through failure.
Students are given the opportunity to challenge themselves through advanced level content in the areas of calculus, statistics, and applied mathematics. All students at CSW are required to complete Geometry and Algebra 2. Beyond our required courses, students must also take a math elective.

Hear from Our Department Chair


  • Geometry
  • Algebra 2A
  • Algebra 2B
  • At least 1 block of mathematics beyond Algebra 2B taken in the 11th/12th grade, satisfied either by a Comp Sci/Robotics, Interdisciplinary, Statistics or PreCalculus course. 
While only one block of mathematics is required in 11th and 12th grade, students are advised to take 2-3 blocks per year.

Sample Courses

List of 8 items.

  • Calculus A/B

    This course covers the study of Differential and Integral Calculus. Differential Calculus includes the study of limits, continuity, and derivatives of algebraic, transcendental, and trigonometric functions. Applications of the derivative include optimization, related rates, examples from the natural and social sciences, and graphing of functions. Integral Calculus includes the study of definite integrals and areas, the fundamental theorems of calculus, techniques of integration, computation of volumes, arc length, average of a function, separable differential equations and slope fields and applications to physics, chemistry, and engineering. Students are expected to have and use a Texas Instruments programmable graphing calculator.
  • Computer Science 1/2

    In our computer science series, students learn and practice using algorithmic thinking for problem-solving, and gain an introduction to computer programming.
  • Discrete Math

    This course covers combinatorics, probability, matrices, sequences, series, and recursively defined functions. The course may also include an introduction to programming the TI‑83 Plus calculator.
  • Examining Media as a Mirror: A Statistical and Visual Approach to Deconstructing False Narratives

    Who does the media say we are? What does it mean if we are seeing our reflections in a false media mirror? How can we analyze and describe the types of distortions that we are seeing?

    Students will use a statistical and visual art approach to explore the portrayal of various demographics in the media. How are non-dominant groups such as women, racial and ethnic minorities and LGBT people in the media portrayed? How are dominant groups portrayed? How do these stories shape the narratives in which we all live?

    Students will examine metrics such as screen time, dialogue, and casting through statistical tools such as t-tests, chi-square tests, and linear regressions to reveal the underlying distortions in what we see. They will then use visual art techniques such as compilation, montage, and the film essay to explore and deconstruct clichés and stereotypes and create graphs of discovered data, trends and patterns to explore and process the data. The final project will be a self-portrait that explores the ideas of false mirrors versus authentic narrative.

    This course awards credit toward the Social Justice requirement. 
  • Introduction to Linear Algebra

    In this class students will use matrices to learn how linear algebra is being applied in various fields. The class will cover content including matrix operations, row-reductions, determinants, vector space, eigenvalues, and transformations. From this course students will be able to further their understanding of the connection between geometry and algebra. In addition, students will further their logical thinking while being introduced to different abstract topics in mathematics. This course will expose students to higher-level mathematics that will better prepare them for the rigors of a college math program.
  • Math Modeling

    The aim of this class is to introduce students to the basic concepts of applied statistics and data science. Students will learn how to clean and filter data, analyze large data sets, how to utilize math modeling programs, data visualizations techniques, and how to create and interpret math models. Though coding will be utilized in this course, no experience with coding is required.
  • Robotics Design

    Robotics Design is a course designed for students who are interested in the design and engineering of robots. Students will study past, current, and future use of automation technology in industrial and everyday use. Through a comprehensive overview of robotic systems and the subsystems that comprise them, students will work in teams to design, build, and document their progress. There will be class competitions and engineering challenges using the remote-controlled VEX robotic system to provide students with opportunities to apply their knowledge to robotic systems.
  • Statistics

    The study of statistics applies the calculations and deductive thinking of mathematics to the real-world problems of the social sciences, the decision‑making needs of medicine and business, and the laboratory methods and experimental procedures of the natural sciences. This course covers descriptive statistics including the standard deviation and the normal distribution, and inferential statistics, including sampling and confidence intervals, the chi‑square test, and curve fitting.

Math Faculty

List of 8 members.

  • Photo of Rashid Chatani

    Rashid Chatani 

    Mathematics Department Chair and Residential Life Faculty
    Education & Degrees
  • Photo of Jessie Feng

    Jessie Feng 

    Mathematics Faculty
    Education & Degrees
  • Photo of Daniel Kostyk

    Daniel Kostyk 

    Assistant Robotics Coach
    Education & Degrees
  • Photo of Sarah Lewites

    Sarah Lewites 

    Mathematics Faculty
    Education & Degrees
  • Photo of Anne Meinke

    Anne Meinke 

    Mathematics Faculty
    Education & Degrees
  • Photo of Proshanto Mukherji

    Proshanto Mukherji 

    Mathematics Faculty
    Education & Degrees
  • Photo of Sylvia Ogle

    Sylvia Ogle 

    Mathematics Faculty and Residential Life Faculty
    Education & Degrees
  • Photo of Morgan Swain

    Morgan Swain 

    Mathematics Faculty and Skills Faculty
    Education & Degrees

CSW—a gender-inclusive day and boarding school for grades 9-12—is a national leader in progressive education. We live out our values of inquiry-based learning, student agency, and embracing diverse perspectives in every aspect of our student experience. Young people come to CSW to learn how to learn and then put what they learn into action—essential skills they carry into their futures as doers, makers, innovators, leaders, and exceptional humans who do meaningful work in the world.