September 21 – Important Note from the Library + Book of the Week

Important Note from the Library + Book of the Week: VAGABONDS by HAO JINGFANG

Due to changes in navigating CSW’s campus starting next week, The CSW Library has some changes to note around our hours of operation and use during Phase One of our reopening to the community. All policies concerning our phased in approach will be considered after Mod 1, in collaboration with the Academic Office and Dean’s Office.

LIBRARY HOURS: M-Th 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (4 p.m. to 5 p.m. reserved for residential community only), Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

For Mod 1, day students will be asked to leave campus immediately following d-block activities. 

We currently have 20 open and marked seats in the library for use when students need to utilize library resources. Please note that when we have reached capacity, you will need to find another place to be until a seat becomes available. Students are asked to sign in when they arrive to help library staff maintain capacity requirements.

The library is a mask wearing space only. No eating or drinking. 

If you would like to set up time for research support, to request material for pick up, or advice on your next read, use our form to connect you with the resources you need.


Each week, the CSW Library will feature one new(ish) title to our library collection--a quick take on the book and some identifiers to help you choose (or not choose) your next read.


A century after the Martian war of independence, a group of kids are sent to Earth as delegates from Mars, but when they return home, they are caught between the two worlds, unable to reconcile the beauty and culture of Mars with their experiences on Earth in this spellbinding novel from Hugo Award–winning author Hao Jingfang.

This year, a number of our community members will be participating in school remotely. We want all of our library users to experience what is physically available here on campus, even if it means the inability to walk through the space and browse what’s here. The CSW Library has adopted a new opportunity for our remote community members: Physical Library Displays, Meet Digital World. This is an attempt to digitally recreate all of our physical displays so that you can interact with the collections. Digital art and iconography will attempt to match as closely as possible the signage with the display itself and all books will appear in a list as they are set up on the shelves. Please wander with us virtually, if you can’t wander with us in person. These displays will be updated in tandem with any changes we make to our in person displays. 

CSW—a gender-inclusive day and boarding school for grades 9-12—is a national leader in progressive education. We live out our values of inquiry-based learning, student agency, and embracing diverse perspectives in every aspect of our student experience. Young people come to CSW to learn how to learn and then put what they learn into action—essential skills they carry into their futures as doers, makers, innovators, leaders, and exceptional humans who do meaningful work in the world.