• Event Categories

  1. Sun
  2. Mon
  3. Tue
  4. Wed
  5. Thu
  6. Fri
  7. Sat
  1. 28
  2. 29
  3. 30
  4. 31
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  6. 9
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  1. 11
  2. 12
  3. 13
  4. 14
  5. 15
  6. 16
  7. 17
  1. 18
  2. 19
  3. 20
  4. 21

    We Are Wednesday for all Incoming Day Students

    CSW invites incoming day students to visit school in advance of orientation and the first day of classes. Take a campus tour and meet with new and returning students. 

    WeAre Wednesday for Incoming Day Parents and Guardians

    An opportunity for a mix and mingle while students are participating in WeAre Wednesday programming.  Meet current and other incoming parents/guardians for an informal conversation and take a campus tour.

    WeAre Wednesday Zoom for Incoming Boarders

    Incoming boarding students are invited to join us for a special, introductory Zoom gathering. Meet your dorm leaders and learn more about residential life at CSW.
  5. 22
  6. 23
  7. 24
  1. 25
  2. 26
  3. 27
  4. 28
  5. 30

    New Family Gathering

    New students and their families are invited to a summer welcome dinner on the quad. Don't miss this opportunity to explore campus, get to know other members of the community, and meet your child's advisor!
  6. 31

    New Boarding Student Orientation

    All boarding students will engage in a four-day program orienting them to life on campus and equipping them with knowledge and information for a successful start to the new school year.

CSW—a gender-inclusive day and boarding school for grades 9-12—is a national leader in progressive education. We live out our values of inquiry-based learning, student agency, and embracing diverse perspectives in every aspect of our student experience. Young people come to CSW to learn how to learn and then put what they learn into action—essential skills they carry into their futures as doers, makers, innovators, leaders, and exceptional humans who do meaningful work in the world.