
Call time for graduates is 8:00 a.m.
  • This is an open, non-ticked event; all are welcome, though seniors will be advised when they can pick up invitations if they'd like to give to their guests.
  • Graduation is outdoors and in-person, under a tent on campus (rain or shine).
  • Graduation will be live-streamed and recorded so that anyone who cannot be physically present will be able to witness the ceremony. Live stream link will be shared closer to the date; recording will be shared approximately a week after graduation.
  • Professional photographers will take candid and posed photos throughout the morning. Families are encouraged to have a family portrait taken at the WeAre sculpture before or after the ceremony. CSW will provide all images in an online gallery as a gift to you!
  • Light refreshments will be served after the ceremony, which will conclude at approximately at 11:15 a.m. (All guests/graduates are encouraged to eat a hearty breakfast before arriving.)

CSW—a gender-inclusive day and boarding school for grades 9-12—is a national leader in progressive education. We live out our values of inquiry-based learning, student agency, and embracing diverse perspectives in every aspect of our student experience. Young people come to CSW to learn how to learn and then put what they learn into action—essential skills they carry into their futures as doers, makers, innovators, leaders, and exceptional humans who do meaningful work in the world.