Lise's Lens: May 30, 2024

I can’t believe it, but this is my last Lise’s Lense of the year! There will be one more post after graduation (which takes place on June 7th). Until then, I’m thinking about summer reading, reflecting on conversations with our seniors, and enjoying some guitar music from West Africa.

  • No matter how much I want to start a new book right now, I can’t do so before Graduation next week. However, it doesn’t mean I can’t think about my next book(s)! So I want to ask folks out there, what kind of a summer reader are you? Do you catch up on the “big books” like Pride and Prejudice or War and Peace? Or do you simply go for a summer filled with the newest beach reads? Or attack the pile you’ve accumulated all year? I’m probably not a purist either way. But go ahead and join the debate!  See the article linked here.
  • The breadth and vibrancy of the senior class. This is the time of year when the seniors are invited to my house in groups of 8-12 to have “Tea with Lise”. It’s my special time to soak up who they have become during their time here, and to hear some of their fondest memories. It’s also a valuable opportunity to gain insight into their experiences in and out of the classroom — after all, they have just experienced CSW first hand! I’m always intrigued by their answer to the query “what do you think should stay the same as part of our values, culture, or the way we do things? What do you suggest we rethink or work on?”. I also get to confirm that our progressive model, our mission and values, and our amazing faculty and staff served them well. No two groups are ever the same of course, but there are many common threads to what they share.
  • So many people around me have picked up the guitar at some point in their lives and can play at least a few songs, however simple.  Sadly, I cannot relate to that experience as I’ve never played the guitar (and unfortunately, no other instrument, either). However, that hasn’t stopped me from appreciating music!  A turning point for my appreciation of the guitar was the year I lived in Sevilla, Spain. Sevilla is in the south of that country with a rich tradition of flamenco and guitar.  Guitar playing was everywhere, in the streets, at the Feria (a huge spring fair)... all over. Fast forward to this past week when I heard a segment on NPR Culture Desk called “Meet the Jimi Hendrix of the Sahara”. It’s a musical journey through West Africa’s guitar music scene. Take a listen! My favorites were the first and last pieces, “Imouhar” and “Coumba”. 
 In this year's musical, when Emma Nolan wants to bring her girlfriend to the high school prom, the PTA cancels the dance to avoid any legal repercussions for preventing Emma from attending. Join us tonight for the premiere of "The Prom" at 7 p.m. Unable to make it tonight? Join us Friday at 7 p.m. or Saturday for a matinée performance at 1 p.m. You don't want to miss this humorous and fun musical!

CSW—a gender-inclusive day and boarding school for grades 9-12—is a national leader in progressive education. We live out our values of inquiry-based learning, student agency, and embracing diverse perspectives in every aspect of our student experience. Young people come to CSW to learn how to learn and then put what they learn into action—essential skills they carry into their futures as doers, makers, innovators, leaders, and exceptional humans who do meaningful work in the world.